Involving Your Kids in Ministry: Part 2
As a dual college professor and healthcare professional here on the field, I often preach to my students […]
Involving Your Kids in Ministry: Part 2
As a dual college professor and healthcare professional here on the field, I often preach to my students […]
Rethinking Rest
When was the last time you took time to rest, or the last time you truly felt rested? […]
Saint Nicholas & Caring for Missionaries at Christmas
The myths surrounding the real Saint Nicholas are about as difficult to authenticate as the accounts of children […]
Identifying and Addressing Burnout in Ministry
The Sent Life · Identifying and Addressing Burnout in Ministry with Dr. Tate Cockrell – EP108 What is […]
Are You Willing to Suffer for Missions?
The cabin door opens, and you are hit in the face with smog and people everywhere. You’re barely […]
Post-Field Care: Plan, Presence, and Pathways to Reengagement
Post-field care can be the most challenging care for churches to provide. Missionaries come home for numerous reasons—scheduled […]
On-Field Care: Prayer Is Not Just the Means to Do the Work—It Is the Work
“Prayer does not equip us for greater works—prayer is the greater work. Yet we think of prayer as […]
Pre-Field Care: The Oft-Forgotten Element of Missionary Care
Church leaders should recruit like coaches. Successful coaches know what type of players they want, and instead of […]
Catalyzing a Missionary Care Strategy in Your Church
Churches may see their role in sending members to the ends of the earth as the finish line […]
Caring for the Mobilized Part 4: Holding the Rope
As we close our four part series on how to care for the mobilized members of our churches, Scott and Keelan sit down with Ryan Martin to discuss the importance of this topic and how to practically accomplish this.
Caring for the Mobilized Part 3: Utilizing Advocacy Teams
It is crucial to care for your sent ones well. As we continue in our series about caring for your churches’ missionaries, Scott and Keelan sit down to discuss the valuable resource of advocacy teams. You don’t want to miss this week's episode!
Caring for the Mobilized Part 2: Church Care
The Sent Life · Caring for the Mobilized Part 2: Church Care with John Bartuska – EP79 Once […]
Caring for the Mobilized Part 1: Why is it Important?
Intentional care is vital for missionary mobilization. In part 1 of a 4-week series, Scott and Keelan discuss the reality of mobilization care, and how it is essential to the life and ministry of those living on mission.
Holding the Rope: How The Local Church Can Care Well for Her Partners
Paul, in the closing remarks of his letter to the Philippians, writes, “And you Philippians yourselves know that […]
The Pain, Promise, and Joy of Sending
Sending hurts. It’s 4 A.M. on move-in day. A couple packs up their car to drive their youngest […]
Praying for Missionaries During the Christmas Season
At Christmas, I’m sometimes asked for specific ways to pray for our missionaries overseas. I’ve compiled a list […]
Helping Missionaries Rather Than Hurting Them
While on the mission field, one of my many jobs was handling all of the logistics for our […]
Things Every Missionary Needs (Part 2)
In Part 1 of “Things Every Missionary Needs,” I listed five things you can do for missionaries even […]
Providing Care and Guidance to Fellow Disciples: An Interview with Matt Rogers
Last but certainly not least of our introductions for the CGCS is Dr. Matt Rogers. Dr. Rogers is […]
Giving Missionaries a Cheerful Welcome
The only constant in the life of a missionary is change. Missionaries live through seemingly endless transitions. Beloved […]
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