When was the last time you took time to rest, or the last time you truly felt rested?
In a world that glorifies hustle culture and constant productivity, it’s easy to overlook the profound importance of rest. A lot of us struggle with rest. We know we need it, but we’re not always sure how to make time for it, or what rest even looks like for us. Even when we understand the benefits and importance of rest, it can be difficult to shake the nagging voices and messages around us telling us we should be doing more.
We can have a mindset that rest looks a certain way and that it is purely physical, but true soul rest is much more than that. God designed our bodies and minds to need rest. Rest, as we can see from scripture, is important to Him. He created a time for Sabbath, an appointed time of rest. In Exodus 31:14: it says, “Observe the Sabbath, because it is holy to you.”
Hebrews 4:11 gives us another picture of the importance of rest to God. “Let us then make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall into the same pattern of disobedience.” Scripture clearly states that God’s rest is available to us, but we must make an effort to enter His rest.
Creating a time for rest, for Sabbath, is important because it honors God. It is a holy commitment. When we rest, we are honoring God and in that, we allow ourselves to be replenished and restored by His presence. When we don’t make the effort to meet with Him or spend time with Him, our bodies, minds, and hearts are going to have a hard time being at peace and rest.
Jesus understood the importance of rest. After ministering to people, he would often withdraw from the crowds and sometimes his disciples, to go and rest and replenish so that he would be ready to go and serve the next group of people he would encounter. Jesus modeled rest for us. He modeled what it was like to have time with the Father.