Will my life leave a lasting impact?
It’s not a question I imagine women like Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong asked themselves as they set out to do the work God had called them to do. And yet, their lives and ministry work have continued through the generations, still making an impact today.
They simply said yes to their God-given assignments and trusted God to do the rest. Their impact on missions inspires me to think of my life and ministry in a completely different way. I often ask myself, am I influencing the people around me in a way that is drawing them closer to Jesus? Am I living my life in a way that shows my children, my family and friends, and the people I come across each day that I am devoted to God and the places He will call me to serve? I want my life to leave an impact.
I think a lot of us desire this, and as believers, it’s especially critical to the generations that will come behind us to live our lives in a way that shows people our devotion to Christ. If we don’t ever tell the stories of how God has changed our lives, or how He has changed the lives of others, how will people know He can change theirs?
We have a responsibility to tell others about Jesus and to instill in the next generation a love for Him and serving others. Think about the influence you have on the people around you like your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, friends, and other family members. You have a sphere of influence.