Who are we?
We are Rick and Nancy Fraley. We have recently returned to the U.S. with our three children to help mobilize students at SEBTS to go to the nations. We have served on the mission field with the International Mission Board for over 17 years in Southeast Asia and South Asia. Our family has lived in three countries serving as frontline and support roles to see the nations reached with the gospel. We have a vision for all the peoples of the earth to bring glory to the King. Our family life verse is Joshua 1:9.
“Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Our role at Southeastern?
Our new role at Southeastern will be to mobilize students to GO and fulfill the Great Commission, encouraging them to share the good news throughout the world. We hope to establish pipelines to the nations that will be full of missionaries that are trained and supported locally. We are passionate about this new role as the Lord of the Harvest commands us to pray and ask Him to send out workers to the harvest. The Lord is calling His people to go and share in places where there is no access to the gospel. We are looking for kingdom minded workers willing to go and churches willing to send. It is our aim to provide students opportunities to serve while sharing the greatest message on earth and making disciples of those who desire to worship the King of Kings bringing glory to His name.
Connect with us!
If the Lord is calling you to the ends of the earth, we want to meet you! We will also be starting cohorts to prepare students to GO! Connect with us by sending an email to [email protected] or [email protected], stopping by the CGCS, or setting up a GO Meeting with us.