Mission Trip

How You Can Pray For Our Central Asia Team

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Our summer mission trips are officially here, and we are kicking them off with our Central Asia trip. We have ten students and one professor, Dr. Pratt, attending the mission trip from May 19-27. This study tour trip is focused on cultural immersion and leadership training. Our team will be traveling with other refugees touring the seven churches of the book of Revelation, and they will be paired with other believers from a different culture to learn and live life alongside them.

We ask you to pray for Dr. Pratt and the students on this team throughout their time in Central Asia. Below are prayer requests submitted by the team that you can be praying for.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for good health for the team. We have had a few potential health issues emerge recently that could impact the trip.
  • Pray for safe travels and for all the logistics of the trip.
  • Pray for our team member’s wife and four daughters who will be at home while he’s traveling.
  • Pray for those interactions we have on this trip, in the airports, on the flights, traveling from town to town. Pray that we will be bold with the Gospel and that the Lord will soften the hearts of those we speak with.
  • Pray for the relationships that will be built through this trip. That we will mutually edify, build up and encourage each other even in the stress of travel and being in a different culture.
  • Pray that our team member’s heart will be ready for those he encounters, and that their hearts will be ready as well.
  • Pray for smooth travels, the health of the team, good communication, good attitudes that reflect the love of Christ, and for all of us to be open to experience and better understand God’s purpose through this trip.
  • Pray for our team member, that she would think about herself less and about Christ more on the trip. Pray that the Lord would give her a selfless heart and she would focus on Him throughout the trip.
  • Pray that God would work in the hearts of the team. Pray that we would see the opportunities God gives us to share the Gospel.
  • Pray for our team member’s growth in knowledge and relationship with God.
  • Pray for the hosts of our team. Pray for their strength, energy, and hearts throughout the week.
  • Pray that the gospel would be known in all of the region one day.

Thank you for praying for our team as they GO on mission this summer!

For more updates and prayer requests about our Central Asia Trip, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

  • Mission Trip
  • Prayer
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