From the time they were born, I knew I wanted to teach my kids about missions. My husband was an IMB Journeyman and now directs Southeastern’s Center for Great Commission Studies. I grew up going on short-term mission trips and felt called to missions in my early 20s. Though we are stateside at this time, we desire to raise our kids first, to believe the gospel (Lord willing) and second, to know what to do with the gospel after they believe.
The gospel is good news for the whole world. We want our children to be aware of the vast need for worldwide gospel proclamation and how God is working through missionaries to make His name known among the nations. Perhaps one day, He may call them to serve Him in this way, too.
Our kids are 4 and 3, and I’ve found various ways to expose them to the nations in age-appropriate ways. In case you’re at a loss for where to start, here are six suggestions: