Resource Review

A Book Review of No God but One

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No God but One thoroughly evaluates several doctrinal and historical differences between Islam and Christianity to demonstrate Christianity’s truthfulness and the corresponding implications. Three primary themes flow throughout the book: Christianity and Islam are quite different; Christianity is historically sound, but Islam is not; and deciding between these two religions is a matter of life and death.

Nabeel Qureshi, a former Muslim turned Christian, is the author of No God but One, and he wrote this book specifically for those like himself who have wrestled to reconcile the claims of Islam and Christianity. He breaks his work into ten parts. In the first half of his book, Qureshi distinguishes the tenets of Islam from those of Christianity to confront the common assumption that these two major world religions are essentially similar (pg. 25). He boils Islamic doctrine of sharia law down to a solution for spiritual ignorance and the Christian gospel down to a redemptive relationship for sinners (pg. 44). The impersonal Allah of Islamic tawhid is distinguished from the personal trinitarian God of Christianity (pg. 69). He demonstrates the stark contrast between Islam’s self-seeking prophet Muhammad and Christianity’s self-sacrificial Savior Jesus (pg. 88). The Quran is shown to be Islam’s insufficient basis and the Bible to be God’s Word to his people for their study and guidance (pg. 111). The violent nature of Islam is contrasted with the peaceful nature of Christianity (pg. 147). Ultimately, Qureshi goes to great lengths to extrapolate the many differences between these two major religions.

Christianity is the only truth worth living and dying for.

The second half of No God but One discusses the historical credibility ascribed to each religion in an effort to prove Christianity’s truthfulness and Islam’s falsity. Qureshi puts Islam to the test by providing the historical proof of Jesus’ death and resurrection (pgs. 182, 208). Next, he gives the biblical evidence for Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God, which Christianity affirms, and Islam denies (pg. 233). Qureshi sums up his findings, “Despite my ardent desire to believe Islam, I had to admit that history was in favor of Christian claims, and even more reluctantly, that it challenged Islamic teachings” (pg. 235). The truth is that Islam crumbles when placed under historical scrutiny.

Qureshi asserts that the distinctions between Islam and Christianity and Christianity’s historical credibility have several implications that are vital for Christians to understand. He illustrates this point with a story of Sara Fatima, a twenty-six-year-old who was brutally murdered by her brother as a result of her conversion from Islam to Christianity (pg. 294). As a former Muslim who converted to Christianity, Qureshi knew firsthand the painful repercussions of leaving Islam. But he also knew the profound joy of finding the truth and freedom of Christianity. That is the overarching message of his work and why it was intended particularly for those caught between Islam and Christianity: Christianity is the only truth worth living and dying for.

  • Resource Review
Audrey McGrail

Audrey McGrail (Kreiss) is a senior at The College at Southeastern pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies. She is originally from Salisbury, NC, but currently resides with her husband, Mark, in La Paz, Bolivia. They have served as missionaries in La Paz through the Network of International Christian Schools since 2020.

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