Where Are You Going?

The CGCS wants to know where you are going and pray for you as you GO! If you are a Southeastern student who is Going on a mid to long-term mission, please fill out this form below so we know where you will be serving, how we can pray for you, and recognize you at Southeastern's Commissioning Chapel on April 16, 2024!

Fill out the Form Below!

Where Are You Going?

If you are no longer a student at Southeastern, you may skip this question.
If you are no longer a student at Southeastern, you may skip this question.

Mission Field Information

If you are going to a secure location, please list affinity or share whatever you feel comfortable sharing with us.
Please indicate which month and year you will be sent. If you are already on the field, please list the date you were sent.

Church and Prayer Information

Please list church name, city, and state.

Chapel Attendance and Photo Upload

Include your family attending and only 1-2 church representatives.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
We want to pray for you as you go! Please send us a digital prayer card, a photo of you (and your family if applicable), or upload a document with your picture and prayer requests. We would like to include these on our website and newsletter, so please send secure information.